
WeasyPrint AWS Lambda

Native layer

Build layer:

# dependencies - ensure your environment has unzip, zip, and jq

$ make build/

# to test your build run
$ make test.start.container
# a timestamp followed by "exec '/var/runtime/bootstrap'" should appear
# "docker ps" should show a running container

# in a new shell, run
$ make
# a report.pdf file will generate to the current directory

Deploy layer:

$ aws lambda publish-layer-version \
    --region <region> \
    --layer-name <name> \
    --zip-file fileb://build/

Lambda must be configured with these env vars:


If you are using the release zip files ensure your Lambda instruction set architecture is set to x86_64 and not arm64.

Docker Lambda

Build layer:

$ cd weasyprint
$ make build

Test layer:

$ make run

# in another terminal
$ make test
# result saved in report.pdf

Lambda Function

Simple lambda function provided, it requires BUCKET=<bucket name> env variable if files stored on s3.

Example payload to print pdf from url and return link to s3:

{"url": "", "filename": "/path/on/s3/report.pdf"}

Example paylod to print pdf from html and css data and return pdf content encoded as base64:

{"html": "<html><h1>Header</h1></html>", "css": "h1 { color: red }", "filename": "report.pdf", "return": "base64"}